October Fittest Employees of the Month

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Josh Stewart†presents Anna Ingram & Jennifer Myers†with fruit and†±¹±ð²µ±ð³Ù²¹²ú±ô±ð†gift baskets for being named ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ?s Fittest Employees†of the Month†for October. To receive this award, an employee must†be caught practicing overt wellness behavior and attitude.†


The Wellness Committee is on the lookout for an November recipient!

Here are a few words about their†personal wellness plans?

This year marked milestone birthdays for us, so we thought it would be timely to begin making changes towards a healthier lifestyle.† Since the beginning of the fall semester, we have committed ourselves to eating healthier and to working out for at least 30 minutes each day.† Neither of us have ever really had an official ?plan? before, but acting as accountability partners has really helped us to stay on track.† Another change that we made was to take the suggestion of Dr. Kim Wommack and to begin juicing.† Each morning we get our days? worth of fruits and veggies by juicing for †breakfast.† †This really gives us a morning boost and starts our day off right.† Since we began our changes, both of us have lost weight, dropped at least one dress size, and have felt considerably more energized.† We have found working out in the F.I.T is a great way to relieve stress as well.† We walk over each day at 11:30, and we invite and encourage anyone who is interested to join us.