Hanson-Sewell Center offers summer kids camps

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Looking for something for the kids to do this summer? The «Ƶ Hanson-Sewell Center in Pittsburg will offer several fun learning opportunities this summer for†kids ages 10 and up.

The first option is Keyboarding/typing. This introduction to the fundamentals of typing runs June 23 through July 9 and meets every†Tuesday†and†Thursday†from 11 a.m.†to 12:30 p.m. The course will teach kids proper keyboarding technique and will help them improve their speed and accuracy. The class will also include fun tips to enjoying the Internet†safely†and responsibly

A Summertime Robotics Camp will begin June 22 and run through July 2. This class meets Monday through Thursday from 1-3 p.m. Students will learn the basics of programming and building†working†robots.

The third offering this summer will be a kids' cooking class to help budding chefs develop their skills in culinary arts. The two-week camp runs July 20-30 from 8:30 a.m. to noon Monday through Thursday. «Ƶ's own Chef Charles Reeves will instruct kids in basic kitchen safety and cooking techniques. Cooking skills will build each day and, on the last day of class, students will cook a meal for a guest to showcase what they have learned.

"I always hear parents expressing a need for positive, fun experiences for their kids during the summer. I think we have put together a slate of courses that will be fun, interactive and educational at the same time," Judy Jackson,†«Ƶ†Director of Educational Services and Community Relations/Camp County.

Enrollment is limited to 16 students per class, so parents are encouraged to enroll students early.†Please call 903-434-8393 or 903-434-8134 to learn more or to sign up today.