Board appoints Ron Clinton as President of ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ

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The ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ Board of Trustees met Monday for its regular December meeting. The board unanimously voted to appoint Dr. Ron Clinton as president of the college and approved a†four-year†contract for the position.

Clinton was named the sole finalist for president at a special-called meeting November 15. Per state law, the board was required to post notice of hiring a president for 21 days before officially taking action to complete the appointment.

Dr. Clinton has dedicated over 30 years of his career in higher education to his work in community colleges.† For the past nine years, he has served as the Executive Vice President for Instruction at ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ; a position which provides critical supervision and leadership responsibilities for all credit and non-credit instructional programs at the College. †Prior to assuming the Executive Vice President?s position, he also served as Interim Vice President for Instruction and Student Outreach and as a faculty member in the academic areas of music, humanities, and philosophy.†In 2014, he was awarded the†Carl M. Nelson Administrative Leadership Award by the Texas Association of Community Colleges in recognition of his leadership and impactful role in furthering the important mission of Community Colleges in Texas.

In addition to†serving on†numerous state-wide educational boards and committees, this year he was elected President of the Texas Community College Instructional Administrator?s Association (TCCIA).†Prior to his time at ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ, Clinton had a career as a concert pianist, traveling extensively throughout the United States, Asia and South America. He†holds†Master?s and Doctor?s Degrees†from the University of Texas at Austin and†received his†Bachelor of Fine Arts from Stephen F. Austin State University.

?I am so very honored to have been appointed as the next President by our Board of Trustees.† ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ has†made†such a positive impact on our community throughout its 32-year history†and†I look forward to continue leading the important work†and mission†of the college†to improve the educational, cultural, and economic future of Northeast Texas,? Clinton said.

He is the fifth president of ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ since the college opened in 1984. Clinton succeeds Dr. Brad Johnson, who served as president for nine years.

Also at the December meeting, the board heard a report on the findings of the annual Independent Audit conducted by Wilf & Henderson, P.C. Carol Wilder, lead auditor on the project, reported an unqualified opinion, which means that college?s financial records and statements are fairly and appropriately presented, and in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). The report showed that the college?s current fund balance increased by $82,869. There were five findings in the audit, all related to financial aid procedure.††Jeffery Chambers, ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ Vice President for Administrative Services, stated that these were minor issues related to awarding financial aid that have either already been corrected or†the college is†in the process of addressing.