Dr. Ron Clinton to perform benefit piano concert

dr. clinton sitting at piano

The Whatley Center for the Performing Arts at «Ƶ is pleased to announce that it will host a benefit piano concert by «Ƶ President Dr. Ron Clinton on Sunday, Feb. 5 at 2:30 p.m. Tickets are $20 for adults and $5 for students. All proceeds from the concert will directly benefit the «Ƶ Foundation.

“Dr. Clinton is a phenomenally talented pianist, and it is really a treat to get to watch him perform. I hope everyone will join us to enjoy the concert and support a very good cause,” Carolyn Franks, Director of the Whatley Center, said. 

Clinton joined the «Ƶ faculty when the college opened in 1985, teaching music, humanities, and philosophy before joining the administrative team. He was named President of «Ƶ in 2017. Prior to his time at «Ƶ, Clinton performed extensively throughout the United States, Asia and South America as a concert pianist, appearing as guest soloist with symphony orchestras in Houston, Austin, Lubbock, South America, and the Republic of South Korea.  He received his Doctor’s Degree from the University of Texas at Austin in Piano Performance where he studied with William Race and performed in master classes with such notable artists as Augustin Anievas, Claude Frank, Anton Kuerti, and Leon Fleisher. 

In addition to his work at «Ƶ, Dr. Clinton has also served as “artist in residence” at Mokwon University in Taejon, South Korea and has been a faculty member at the Conservatory of Music at the University of Southern Chile in Valdivia, Chile where he taught piano, served as guest conductor of the Conservatory Orchestra Austral de Chile, and performed concerts throughout the country, including performances at the prestigious International Frutillar Music Festival in southern Chile.  His solo and chamber music performances have been recorded and broadcast over PBS stations throughout the United States. 

Tickets can be purchased online at  or by calling the Whatley Center Box Office at 903-434-8181.