Carroll Shelby Foundation gives $25,000 for ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ automotive scholarships

The Carroll Shelby Foundation recently gave $25,000 to support scholarships for students enrolled in the Carroll Shelby Automotive Technology Program at ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ. Dr. Jonathan McCullough (left), Vice President for Advancement, scholarship recipients Nathan Humphrey and Jorge Ramirez, and Ron Luellen, Director of the Shelby Auto Tech program, are pictured receiving the donation on behalf of ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ.

Aaron Shelby visits ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ Automotive Program

The Carroll Shelby Automotive Technology Program at ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ recently enjoyed a visit from Aaron Shelby, grandson of the late Carroll Shelby and Co-President of the Carroll Shelby Foundation. Shelby visited with students and faculty and toured the facilities. The Shelby Foundation has been a major supporter of the ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ program since Carroll Shelby himself took an interest in providing opportunities for students in Northeast Texas.


Carroll Shelby Foundation gives $25,000 for ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ scholarships

The ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ Foundation recently received a $25,000 gift from the Carroll Shelby Foundation. The donation will provide scholarships for students in the Carroll Shelby Automotive Technology Program at ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ. Dr. Jonathan McCullough (second from right), ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ Vice President for Advancement, accepted the gift.

ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ Shelby Automotive student lands racing internship

Raul Herrera is racing toward a bright future.

He just completed the Carol Shelby Automotive Technology Program at ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ and has landed an internship as a motorsports mechanic with Eastex Motorsports, a professional racing team based in Mount Vernon.

Eastex Motorsports is a family-owned racing team led by driver Adam Poland, also a Shelby program graduate.

?This is our first opportunity to have an internship with a professional race team,? said Keith Fennimore, director of the program. ?It? pretty exciting for us.?


Automotive program holds Carroll Shelby Memorial Cruise

The Carroll Shelby Automotive Technology Program at ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ honored the memory of its benefactor last weekend with the 2014 Shelby Memorial Cruise. It was a beautiful day for a cruise to celebrate a life well lived. Car and bike enthusiasts gathered at ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ and then†cruised to Leesburg (Shelby's hometown) and the Leesburg Cemetery. Pastor Dominic Crescimanno (Brother Dom) had some inspirational words about Mr. Shelby and life. The group then†cruised the back roads where Mr. Shelby grew up.


ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ receives $25,000 from Carroll Shelby Foundation

Dr. Brad Johnson (right), President of ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ, and Dr. Jonathan McCullough, Vice President for Advancement, are pictured holding a $25,000 check the ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ Foundation recently received from the Carroll Shelby Foundation.† The money will provide scholarships for students in the Carroll Shelby Automotive Technology Program at ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ. Mr. Shelby was a strong supporter of the automotive technology program at ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ and, through carefully planned estate giving, he continues to help both the college, and more importantly, †the citizens of our community.

Pleasant Sams give $500 ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ scholarship

The ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ Foundation recently received a $500 scholarship from the Pleasant Sams, the Mount Pleasant Chapter of the Good Sams Club of America. This year's gift will benefit a student studying in the Carroll Shelby Automotive Technology program at ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ. Pictured making the donation to Dr. Jonathan McCullough, ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ Vice President for Advancement (center), is Nancy Owsley (fourth from left) and †Diane Dalby (third from right).

Shelby memorial event to be held at ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ

Pictured, Carroll Shelby spends time in the ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ Shelby Automotive Technology shop during one of several visits to ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ.

East Texans will have the opportunity to join other Shelby fans nationwide in saying goodbye to one of their own next week as the Team Shelby Club will host a memorial celebration for automotive legend Carroll Shelby at ºù«ÍÞÊÓƵ.
