Time to get your ΊωΒ«ΝήΚΣΖ΅ parking sticker

Beginning next week, everyone will be required to display an ΊωΒ«ΝήΚΣΖ΅ parking sticker on their vehicle at all times when on campus. Warnings and/or tickets will begin to be issued by campus security soon for those who do not comply. Below is all of the information you need to get yours...


? Parking stickers are FREE

? If you already have a sticker (featuring the new logo with a large N) there is no need to get another one at this time

? Students may pick theirs up by†stopping†by the Admin/Student Services building front desk. Employees will pick theirs up at Human Resources


? You will need some basic information like vehicle make/model, color, & license plate number. Please have this information ready when you go to pick up your sticker.


? Once you receive your sticker, apply it on the BACK WINDSHIELD IN THE LOWER LEFT CORNER of your vehicle. If you drive a motorcycle, †please display somewhere visible.†


? If you change vehicles during the semester, please stop by Admin/Student Services to get a new sticker.†


It's really that easy! Please stop by at your convenience ASAP.



P.S. DON'T FORGET - Parking in the circle next to Admin/Student Services is only for guests who will be on campus for 30 minutes or less. This area will be patrolled frequently throughout the semester.
