Softball seeks plastic bag donations

For the past five years our softball team has been a part of Titus County cares Food4kids program, helping to make sure children are eating over the weekend and giving them a better opportunity to excel in life.†Every Tuesday evening we sack †1,800 bags (plastic shopping bags) of food for children in the county and then organize to be delivered every Friday to the schools for those students to have a meal on the weekends. This is a program that we are passionate about as a team and program over the years.

We need your help! This year we are running low on plastic bags. If you have bags you would like to get rid of, or if you would start collecting those that would be a great help to this program. We need the bags like you get at† Walmart or grocery stores. †You can contact myself or send with a softball player you may have in class. †††We will also have a collection box in the SUB.


Jessica Keith†|†Head Softball Coach,††|†903-434-8399