Lori Hindman wins 2018 SBDC Administrative Excellence Award

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The North Texas Small Business Development Center (NTSBDC) Network is proud to announce Lori Hindman as the recipient of the 2018 Administrative†Excellence Award. This award is presented annually to recognize†SBDC administrative staff†who†have distinguished themselves in job performance, human relations,†and demonstrated leadership and excellence.

Lori Hindman serves in the role of†Administrative Assistant for the Northeast Texas SBDC in Mount Pleasant, Texas.††Lori grew up in an entrepreneurial family and has owned several small businesses.

She†goes above and beyond to understand the needs of†SBDC clients to determine†what motivates them. She brings knowledge of bookkeeping and human resource management. She has been described as the Administrative Assistant Extraordinaire!

Lori's depth of knowledge, faithfulness, and high-quality service†to the SBDC spanning over 7 years has made her a consistent anchor for the Northeast Texas SBDC. She is†an invaluable asset to†her team and the North Texas SBDC†Network, which makes her the perfect recipient of this award.

Please join us in congratulating

Lori Hindman on receiving such a prestigious award!†

†E³¾²¹¾±±ô lhindman@ntcc.edu