NETRAC provides ΊωΒ«ΝήΚΣΖ΅ with Stop The Bleed Kits

Stop the bleed kit donation

ΊωΒ«ΝήΚΣΖ΅ recently received a donation of four Stop The Bleed kits from the Northeast Texas Regional Advisory Council (NETRAC). Each kit contains enough supplies to provide immediate first aid for up to 10 patients in the event of a mass casualty scenario. The kits will be placed in central locations around campus. In addition to the kits, NETRAC also provided training materials to be used in training ΊωΒ«ΝήΚΣΖ΅ Faculty and Staff on how to respond to bleeding patients. Stop The Bleed kits are designed for ease of use and to empower individuals to act quickly and save lives. Gary Short (left), Titus Regional Medical Center EMS Training Officer, and Russell VanBibber (second from left), ΊωΒ«ΝήΚΣΖ΅ Instructor of Emergency Medical Services, presented the kits on behalf of NETRAC to Dr. Jonathan McCullough, ΊωΒ«ΝήΚΣΖ΅ Executive Vice President for Advancement and Dr. Kevin Rose (right), ΊωΒ«ΝήΚΣΖ΅ Vice President for Instruction.