Chapin speaks at Community College Association of Texas Trustees event

Chapin speaking at event

Jordan Chapin, a student at «Ƶ serving as the Texas Regional President of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, spoke at the opening plenary session at this year’s Community College Association of Texas Trustees meeting in Houston.

“Student Centered Policy” was the theme of the opening plenary session. As noted in the event program, the student success mission of community colleges is referred to as the guiding light of the association. A select panel of invited student leaders from across Texas shared their stories to highlight how extracurricular activities empower student success and feelings of belonging.

Jordan Chapin

Chapin noted that “Serving on the Community College Association of Texas Trustee (CCATT)’s panel, Student Centered Policy, was such an exciting and surreal experience. I was able to reflect on my experience as a college student, while also answering audience member’s questions. I was so happy to be the voice of «Ƶ and Phi Theta Kappa. My panel members were some of the coolest people I’ve met and I loved what input they had.”

A future clinical pharmacist, Chapin is also president of the BioChem Club at «Ƶ and is currently part of a summer Research Experience for Undergraduates project funded by the National Science Foundation. Her work last year with Phi Theta Kappa earned her recognition at the regional level as an Outstanding Officer and at the international level as being part of an Outstanding Chapter Officer Team. As a Presidential Honors Scholar at «Ƶ, Chapin has also presented at the Webb Historical Society and at the Great Plains Honors Council.