31st issue of «Ƶ Honors’ Alacrity newsletter available

alacrity screen shot

By: Dr. Andrew Yox, Honors Director

Since 2008, the honors program of «Ƶ has published a biannual newsletter.  The recently released 2023 February edition can be accessed on the college website by clicking here. One can also write Honors Director, Dr. Andrew P. Yox, for a real copy at ayox@ntcc.edu.

The current newsletter provides a summary of intervarsity student successes in the fall of 2023, including «Ƶ’s first attainment of the Portia Gordon Awards of the East Texas Historical Association, its anomalous showing in the recent publication of the state journal, Touchstone—having four of the articles authored by «Ƶ scholars, and Skylar Fondren’s success in becoming the seventh «Ƶ student to lead the student contingent of the Great Plains Honors Council.  The newsletter also contains tributes to recent honors donors, the column of the honors director, and “Alacritous Alumni,” a section devoted to the attainments and activities of «Ƶ honors alumni.

Honors Northeast, the honors program at «Ƶ is accepting applications for the 2023-24 school year.  1 March is the deadline for an optimal scholarship.  Applications are online by clicking here.  Talented college and high school students interested in a transformative experience, high school seniors, homeschoolers in transition, counselors, and parents are welcome to contact Dr. Andrew P. Yox, Honors Director, at ayox@ntcc.edu.