Honors students attend Texas Shakespeare Festival

shakespere festival group

By: Dr. Andrew Yox, Honors Director

Three incoming «Ƶ honors students witnessed Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar in an afternoon production on 11 July.  They traveled to the annual Texas Shakespeare Festival in Kilgore. Donors of Honors Northeast and of the college,Jerald and Mary Lou Mowery made the visit possible.  The students drove from «Ƶ and back with Dr. Andrew Yox, honors director.

Perez, who is the brother of Neida, «Ƶ’s 2024 New Century/All-USA scholar, noted how surprised he was by the way the plot gathered momentum even after Caesar was killed, which happened half-way through the play.  Hamlin and Tressider were impressed by the energy of the performance. All three were grateful for the way one could still follow Shakespearean English, thanks in part to the dramatic tension between Cassius and Caesar. The students were surprised to learn that Mary Lou Mowery from Mount Vernon is on the Board of Directors of the Kilgore-based Shakespeare Festival.

Tresidder is currently writing the script of the 2024 Honors film on big oil.  Hamlin has stated her availability to serve as an actress for the film. 

Dr. Andrew Yox notes, “that we are very fortunate as an honors program and college to receive so much special support from donors such as the Mowerys.  This trip was just the tip of the iceberg.  The honors program in particular has attained a singular group dynamic thanks to their aid.”