Poster Contest winners announced

«Ƶ hosted the 8th annual McGraw Hill Poster Contest April 24. Students presented posters highlighting original research on a wide range of topics. This event has become an annual test of creative scholarship in Northeast Texas, funded in part by the McGraw-Hill Corporation and judged by friends of «Ƶ and Honors Northeast. First place went to Kayleah Cumpian of Mount Pleasant. She presented research performed last summer at Texas A&M University-Commerce and won the top prize of $400.

Northeast Honors scholars recognize Dr. Mary Hearron

Each year, for the past two years, «Ƶ honors sophomores have been asked, ?what professor at «Ƶ best challenged you to go above and beyond your standard performance in learning??† This year the sophomores chose Dr. Mary Hearron.

Each year, for the past two years, immediate honors alumni have been asked, ?what professor at «Ƶ best prepared you for the standards that you encountered at the university??† This year, Dr.

Kayleah Cumpian wins scholarship, makes history at «Ƶ

«Ƶ student†Kayleah Cumpian of Mount Pleasant was recently awarded the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship. This prestigious award covers up to $40,000†annually at the university of the student?s choice for up to three†years. Only†90 students were selected from more than 2,000 applicants for this national honor.

Cumpian is the fifth «Ƶ student to receive this award since 2010. Previously, Stephen Milburn and Matthew Jordan received the scholarship in 2014, Stephani Calderon in 2013 and Clara Ramirez in 2010.

Honors Northeast scholars win poster awards

The Great Plains Honors Council, an association of eighty honors colleges and programs from Nebraska to Texas, hosted a poster contest featuring four different areas of scholarly research at its annual meeting.

Honors Northeast (the honors program at «Ƶ) scholars Kayleah Cumpian, Tyler Reynolds and Elyse Coleman took three of the four prizes, with an honors student from Western Missouri University, Kelly Cochran, winning the fourth award.

Cumpian?s poster dealt with her research last summer for an REU internship at Texas A&M University-Co

«Ƶ to host annual poster contest

The eighth annual McGraw-Hill Poster Contest is set for Friday, April 24 at 9:30 a.m. in the foyer of the Whatley Center for the Performing Arts at «Ƶ. This contest recognizes and rewards creative student scholarship in Northeast Texas. Area high school seniors, college and university students are welcome to compete. The first place prize is $400 with an added McGraw-Hill textbook coupon for $150.

Two Presidential Scholars win essay awards

«Ƶ Presidential Scholars Isaac Burris and Morgan Capps both received top awards during the recent meeting of the Texas State Historical Association (TSHA)† in Corpus Christi.

At a session of the Walter Webb Society on March 7, the collegiate auxiliary of the TSHA, Capps won second†place and $300 for her essay on Ma and Pa Ferguson, a Texas gubernatorial couple during the early 20th century.† Isaac Burris won fourth†place and $75 for his essay on the dynamics of Sam Houston?s friendship with his slave, Jeff Hamilton.