Consumer Information

This webpage contains a summary of consumer information that must be made available to all students at ΊωΒ«ΝήΚΣΖ΅ (Northeast) in accordance with federal regulations set forth by The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. Each topic listed gives a brief description of the information that must be disclosed and explains how it can be obtained. If you need assistance obtaining this information, please contact the appropriate office.



Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

In carrying out their assigned responsibilities, many offices at Northeast collect and maintain information about students. Although these records belong to Northeast, both college policy and federal law accord students a number of rights concerning these records.

The Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, commonly known as FERPA, establishes the regulations regarding access to and disclosure of student records.

More information regarding FERPA can be found at FERPA or by contacting the Registrar's office at 903-434-8139.

Facilities and Services for Disabled Students

For information on facilities and services for disabled students, contact:
Advisor to Special Populations
Administration/Student Services Building
Tel: 903-434-8264

Student Body Diversity

The Student Profile provides information about the diversity of the student body.  For additional information, contact:

Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
Administration/Student Services Building
Tel: 903-434-8105

Cost of Attendance

Northeast's tuition and fee schedule can be found at .

Housing costs can be found at Northeast - Room and Board Charges.

For additional information regarding housing costs, contact:
Director of Residential Life
Tel: 903-434-8168

For estimated tuition and fees, housing costs and persona/miscellaneous expenses, contact:

Financial Aid
Administration/Student Services Building
Tel: 903-434-8132

Refund Policy

The college has a tuition refund policy that stipulates the amount of tuition and fees that are refunded to a student who withdraws from all classes during a term. See . For more information, contact:

Business Office
Administration/Student Services Building
Tel: 903-434-8109


Withdrawal Procedures

Students who are withdrawing from all classes must follow specific withdrawal procedures posted on the web at . For more information, contact:

Registrar's Office
Administration/Student Services Building
Tel: 903-434-8139


Repayment Policy (Return of Title IV Aid)

The federal government mandates that students who withdraw from all classes may only keep the financial aid (federal Title IV grant and loan assistance) they have "earned" up to the time of withdrawal. Funds that were disbursed in excess of the earned amount must be returned by Northeast and/or the student to the federal government. The repayment policy is available online at   and from the Financial Aid office. For more information, contact:

Financial Aid
Administration/Student Services Building
Tel: 903-434-8132

Descriptions of Academic Programs

Information on the programs offered at Northeast are available in the Course Catalog (). 

Written Arrangements

Northeast does not have any academic programs for which a required portion of the program, including credits and grades, is solely provided by a third party.

Articulation Agreements

Northeast is engaged in articulation agreements with other institutions that expand learning opportunities and student success.  Information about the various articulation agreements can be found in the program descriptions of the programs in which they apply.  See: .  For additional information contact the faculty advisors listed on the program of study or the office of the Executive Vice President of Instruction.

Transfer Credit

Information regarding Northeast's treatment of transfer credit is found at .  For more information contact:

Administration/Student Services Building
Tel: 903-434-8122

Instructional Facilities and Labs

Information on the college's instructional facilities and laboratories is available from the various departments; see ΊωΒ«ΝήΚΣΖ΅ Directory for contact information. Also see  Charlie and Helen Hampton Library for information on library resources at the college.


Contact information for all faculty and instructional personnel is available in the ΊωΒ«ΝήΚΣΖ΅ Directory.  Faculty associated with specific programs of study can be found at .  Additional information on the college's faculty and instructional personnel is available from the various departments.

Accreditation Information

ΊωΒ«ΝήΚΣΖ΅ is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award associate degrees and certificates. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of ΊωΒ«ΝήΚΣΖ΅.

For more information see: Accreditation. Students may review copies of documents regarding entities that accredit, license, or approve the institution and its programs. To review the accreditation documents, contact:

Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Research
Administration/Student Services Building
Tel: 903-434-8105

Copyright Infringement Policies

The Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, U.S. Code), prohibits the reproduction and distribution of copyrighted material.   ΊωΒ«ΝήΚΣΖ΅ Policy prohibits using College technology in violation of any law including copyright law.  Persons using College technology resources in violation of law shall lose user privileges in addition to other sanctions.  [See POLICY -   and ]   For more information see: POLICY - . 

Action taken by the College to remedy and/or discipline an individual for a copyright violation does not preclude the copyright holder and/or the authorities from seeking civil legal remedies and/or criminal prosecution for copyright infringement. Federal law specifies that injunctions and orders to impound infringing materials may be entered by federal courts. Violators are subject to civil liability for litigation costs and attorney fees. Violators are also subject to liability for either the profits they earned from the infringement plus the actual damages suffered by the copyright owner, or statutory damages of $750 to $30,000 for each work infringed. Where the court finds that the infringement was willful, civil statutory damages may be increased to up to $150,000. Under certain circumstances, violators can also face criminal penalties up to $2,500, and/or imprisonment for up to 10 years (17 U.S.C. 501-511; 18 U.S.C. 2319). Additionally, anyone who helps or makes it possible for another person to infringe upon a copyright may also be held liable under a legal doctrine known as "contributory infringement (Sony Corp. v. Universal Studios, 464 U.S. 417, 435, 104 S.Ct. 774, 785, 78 L.Ed.2d 574 (1984))".

By far the greatest cause of copyright infringements is the use of peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing services for sharing music and movies. Although the use of P2P file sharing is not illegal in and of itself, using it to share copyright protected files is, unless the person doing the sharing has express permission from the copyright owner. Generally, the P2P file sharing programs install the software and automatically share downloaded files with other Internet users. Copyright owners and their agents use automated methods to actively scan the Internet to detect computers that are illegally sharing copyrighted files.

Voter Registration

Northeast believes it is important for members of our community to be good and responsible citizens.  One of the most basic acts of citizenship is voting.  Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to register to vote and exercise that right.  National Mail Voter Registration Forms can be found at .

Information about Student Financial Assistance

Most information is available on the Financial Aid website . For additional information, contact:

Financial Aid
Administration/Student Services Building
Tel: 903-434-8132

Overview of Financial Aid Programs

Need-based and non-need-based federal financial aid available to students can be found at Types of Aid Available.  For more information, contact:

Financial Aid
Administration/Student Services Building
Tel: 903-434-8132

How to Apply for Aid

To learn how to apply for financial aid, visit STEPS to APPLY for Financial Aid and/or .   For more information, contact:

Financial Aid
Administration/Student Services Building
Tel: 903-434-8132

Aid Eligibility Requirements

To learn about the eligibility requirements for financial aid, visit .  For more information, contact:

Financial Aid
Administration/Student Services Building
Tel: 903-434-8132

How Eligibility for Need-Based Aid is Determined and Awarded

To learn how eligibility for need-based aid is determined and awarded, visit FAQs.  For more information, contact:

Financial Aid
Administration/Student Services Building
Tel: 903-434-8132

Aid for Study Abroad

Northeast does not currently participate in any study abroad programs.

Code of Conduct for Student Loans

Northeast does not participate in a preferred lender program.  There are many reputable student loan lenders, but Northeast does not recommend nor have information regarding terms and conditions of specific lenders.

Continued Eligibility for Aid-Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

SAP denotes a student's successful completion of coursework that is applied to an eligible certificate or degree-seeking program. Regulations require that all students who receive the benefit of Federal Title IV assistance must maintain SAP. Northeast applies the SAP standards to all federal, state and institutional financial assistance programs. To learn more about these requirements, visit   For more information, contact:

Financial Aid
Administration/Student Services Building
Tel: 903-434-8132

Method and Frequency of Disbursements

Financial aid is disbursed (released) to students in different ways depending on the type of aid and other factors.  Federal and state funding not used to pay institutional charges (tuition, fees, books, supplies, room and board) will be disbursed to the student.  Financial aid, in excess of institutional charges, will be made available to students two weeks before the first class day to procure necessary books and supplies from the College Store. 

Disbursements (refunds) go to student's MyEagle Passport card, unless otherwise designated by student.  For students attending traditional face-to-face classes, disbursements for Pell can be expected to occur within 30 days of the first class day.  Loans are disbursed in two installments.  The first loan disbursement can be expected to occur within 35-40 days of the first class day and the second disbursement approximately 40 days later.  For students attending exclusively distance education classes, the Pell disbursement will follow the same schedule as loans.   For more information, contact:

Student Services
Administration/Student Services Building
Tel: 903-434-8100


Terms/Conditions of Financial Aid Employment

For Work-Study employment information, visit: Student Worker Positions.  For more information, contact:

Financial Aid
Administration/Student Services Building
Tel: 903-434-8132

Terms of Student Loans

For important information about student loans, visit Loan.   Additional information regarding repayment plans, sample loan repayment schedules and other helpful information is available at .  For more information, contact:  

Financial Aid
Administration/Student Services Building
Tel: 903-434-8132


Graduation and Retention Rates

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Research offers up-to-date data on retention rates, enrollment reports.  The Student Profile breaks down enrollment based on various criteria including sex, race and financial aid eligibility.  Retention rate of certificate or degree seeing, first-time, undergraduate students can be found at .  For more information, contact:

Institutional Effectiveness and Research
Administration/Student Services Building
Tel: 903-434-8105

Graduation and Retention Rates for Student Athletes

For information regarding graduation and retention rates for student athletes, visit   and/ or   .    For more information, contact:

Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Research
Administration/Student Services Building
Tel: 903-434-8105

Employment for Graduates

Available information about job placement rates and the types of employment obtained by Northeast graduates may be obtained from the Office of Institutional Research (Institutional Effectiveness and Research)

Athletic Program Participation and Financial Support

As part of The Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act, information on annual participation rates and financing of men's and women's sports in intercollegiate athletic programs is available, by request, to students and the general public.  Visit .  For more information, contact:

Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Research
Administration/Student Services Building
Tel: 903-434-8105


Campus Safety and Security

Each year, Northeast is required to prepare an "Annual Security & Fire Safety Report" and make it available to all current and perspective students and employees.  The report, which is issued annually, contains detailed information on emergency services, safety tips, College policies and state laws, additional support services, fire safety in on-campus housing, confidential crime reporting, missing student notification protocol, and a summary of the Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities. The report also includes statistics concerning crimes on campus. 

Northeast will disclose to the alleged victim of a crime of violence, or non-forcible sex offense, the results of any disciplinary hearing conducted by the College against the student who is the alleged perpetrator of the crime or offense. If the alleged victim is deceased as a result of the crime or offense, the institution will provide the results of the disciplinary hearing to the victim's next of kin, if requested in writing.

To receive a complete copy of the report or for more information, contact:

Vice President of Administrative Services
Administration/Student Services Building
Tel: 903-434-8106


Vaccination Policy

All students 21 or younger are required to provide proof of receiving the Bacterial Meningitis Vaccine, or complete the

If you plan to live on campus, regardless of age, you MUST PROVIDE this requirement. If you plan to stay on campus, you must first register for housing and pay the deposit.  More information can be found at

For more information: contact:
Registrar's Office
Tel: 903-434-8139

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention

Under the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1991, ΊωΒ«ΝήΚΣΖ΅ is required to have an alcohol and other drug policy outlining prevention, education, and intervention efforts and consequences for policy violations. ΊωΒ«ΝήΚΣΖ΅ is committed to providing a safe, healthy learning community for all its members. For information, contact:

Vice President of Student and Outreach Services
Administration/Student Services Building
Tel: 903-434-8242