Business Office Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the Business Office located and what are the hours?

The Business Office is located in the Student Services building.
Monday – Thursday 8 a.m. — 6 p.m.
Friday 8am – 12pm

How much does it cost to attend «Ƶ?

You will find the «Ƶ tuition and fee schedules .

What additional fees, outside of tuition, will I be charged?

All students are charged the following fees: Registration fee, general service fee, graduation fee and student activity fee. These fees cover costs of services and amenities provided by the college to all students. These fees can be found on «Ƶ tuition and fee schedule by clicking .

Specific courses and programs have additional fees such as special course fees and differential tuition. These fees can be found on «Ƶ Special Course Fee by clicking .

What are the payment deadlines?

Payment due dates vary by term. Please consult the Important Dates table on the student page for further information about payment deadlines. Payment must be made by the payment deadline or you are at risk of being dropped from your classes.

When will I get a bill?

Paper bills are not mailed. To access your statement, you will need to login to your and select “Student.” From your Student menu, select the “Financial” tab.

How do I authorize my parents to pay the bill?

Please complete the FERPA permission form and list the people that you want us to discuss your billing with. The FERPA permission form can be found on the «Ƶ website or click here.

What are my payment options?

Online: Check or credit card (MasterCard, Visa, Discover, AMEX) accepted 24/7 on myEagle Portal.

By mail: Make check payable to «Ƶ, write the student’s «Ƶ ID number on the check,
and mail to:

«Ƶ Business Office,
P.O. Box 1307
Mt. Pleasant, TX 75456.

On campus: Cash, check or credit card. 


What credit cards do you accept?

The business office accepts VISA, MasterCard, Discover, AMEX.

When paying with a check, what information is needed?

On a preprinted check (not a new, temporary check), record the driver license number, phone number, and birth date of the person signing the check, as well as the student identification number.

Do tuition payments have to be made in person?

No, you may pay for classes online through your .

Does my student account reflect all the cost of books and materials I need?

Your student account will reflect tuition and fees associated with the courses you are registered for. Some courses do include Inclusive Access book charges, but for the courses that do not have a book charge, you will need to purchase your book separately. Books and supplies may be purchased at the «Ƶ College Book Store located on our campus.

If I have Financial Aid, do I need to pay for anything?

You may check the status of your account balance on your to determine whether your financial aid covered all of your tuition and fee costs. If your financial aid is pending, contact Financial Aid for the status. You may need to pay for classes if you want a safe guarantee that your classes will not be dropped.

What happens if I register, but do not pay for my classes or decide not to attend?

You must drop those classes. Dropping your class prior to the first class day, you will receive a 100% refund. Dropping classes after first class day, you will be refunded based on the state’s refund schedule. . You will owe a balance if you do not drop prior to first class day and your account will be put on hold until that balance is paid.

Does «Ƶ offer a payment plan?

Yes, you may sign up for the Transact Payment Plan prior to the first day of class for the fall, spring and summer semesters through your . There is a $35 fee to enroll in a payment plan that is collected upon set up.

Does anything happen if I add or drop a class while on the payment plan?

Yes! Adding or dropping a class affects your balance. When you add or drop a class, your payment plan will automatically adjust your balance and change the amount due on your future payment due dates.

My Payment Plan payment did not process. What do I need to do?

If you elect automatic draft for your payment pland and your payment did not process for whatever reason, Transact will try again in 5 days to draft the payment. If, on the second try, the payment does not go through, Transact will cancel your payment plan. There is a $30 returned payment charge each time your payment is returned.

How long does it take to get a refund?

Refunds are processed weekly. We ask that you allow 7-14 business day for refunds to process, though generally speaking refunds do not take that long. The fastest, and most secure, way to get a refund is by direct deposit. Sign in to the portal, select student, financial, direct deposit designation to choose your bank account. Checks will take a little longer.

How will my refund come?

You will choose your Direct Deposit Designation in your which determines how you will receive any refunds issued.

What do I do if my banking information for direct deposit has changed?

If your banking information is no longer correct and needs to be changed, you will need to log into your and manage your Direct Deposit Designation information.

Can I use my PELL grant to pay for books?

Yes. Bookstore credit is available at the campus bookstore for financial aid students, providing you have aid left after tuition and fees are paid.

What do I do if I have a financial hold on my account?

You can email or call 903-434-8118 or 903-434-8243 for information on the financial hold on your account. If you pay your financial hold using , please contact the Business Office to have the hold lifted.

How do I submit my tuition assistance, third party billing letters, or exemption documents?

All tuition assistance, third party billing letters, and exemption documentation can be submitted by e-mail at

How can I get a copy of my 1098-T tax form?

Log into your and select “Student.” From your Student menu, select the “Financial” tab and then the “Form 1098T” tab. Select the tax year you want to view.

What if I think my 1098-T form is incorrect or I cannot view it on myEagle Portal?

If your form 1098T is blank, this means you weren’t eligible to receive one. Some of those reasons could be:

  • You do not have a valid Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer identification Number (ITIN) on file.
  • Students whose qualified tuition and related expenses are entirely waived or paid entirely with scholarships or grants, such as the Pell grant.
  • Nonresident alien students
  • Courses for which no academic credit is offered, even if the student is otherwise enrolled in a degree program.
  • Students whose qualified tuition and related expenses are covered by a formal billing arrangement between an institution and the student’s employer or a government entity.

If you have questions, please send an email to, include your student ID, and state the reason for the email.

What is the general service fee for?

This mandatory charge is assessed for all courses regardless of residency category (except Dual Credit) and is used to help pay for a variety of academic services, equipment, supplies, and technology expenses.